Ian Ramsey Academy 23/05/22


On Monday 23rd of May, our PMNW team took a trip up north to Stockton to carry out a Crime and Safety Awareness Day to the year 10 pupils at Ian Ramsey Academy. The students had the chance to take part in a wide range of workshops including Prison Life, County Lines, Online Safety, Domestic Abuse and Knife Crime. The pupils also got the chance to listen to a hard-hitting, moving story from an ex-prisoner in the Choices and Consequences workshop. They asked some honest questions and received honest answers, which was definitely an experience which will stick with them. Our team was also joined by Chrissie from the Northern Power Grid and Vanessa from Red Cross who also carried out workshops. We would like to say a big thank you to the staff at Ian Ramsey Academy for taking care of us during our visit. The year 10’s were a pleasure to teach, and we look forward to coming back in the future!


Winifred Holtby 21/06/22


The Strand Primary Academy 20/05/22