The No Way Trust Ltd The No Way Trust Ltd The No Way Trust Ltd The No Way Trust Ltd

Spalding Academy 18/01/22

On Tuesday 18th January we visited Spalding Academy delivering Choices, Prison Life, Knife Crime, Domestic Abuse, County Lines, CEOP, Northern Power and AA. Spalding proved to be a massive triumph in the end due to the engagement and enthusiasm from the students. Huge thanks to Jim Muelchi (AA) and Leena Markovic (Northern Power) respectively for joining us on the day. The hospitality and treatment from the Spalding staff is appreciated and we cannot wait to return next year.

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The No Way Trust Ltd The No Way Trust Ltd The No Way Trust Ltd The No Way Trust Ltd

Bourne Academy 19/01/22

On Wednesday 19th January we visited Bourne Academy to deliver one of our Crime days. The students engaged throughout and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the day. The PMNW team were astounded with the student’s politeness and personality and the full day proved to be a real success. Sessions delivered on the day were Choices, Prison Life, Domestic Abuse, Knife Crime, County Lines and Northern Power. Massive thank you to Leena Markovic from Northern Power for providing a great addition to our already amazing crime day team.

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